Wednesday, May 27, 2009

IT 132

NAME: Tecsan De Jesus Date: May 27, 2009

Subject: IT 132



Discussion Questions:

1) What crime did Robert Courtney commit?

Ans.) Courtney was selling up to three times the amount of drugs he was purchasing the drug manufacturer.

2) Was it proper to arrest Robert Courtney? Why or Why not?

Ans.) The proper arrest to Robert Courtney is to have a warrant because it is the legal way or the proper way to arrest him.

3) Do you think Robert Courtney was responsible for the assumed death?

Ans.) It was inevitable that they would die. They both put in their part to each other’s deaths. However if the patient didn’t poison herself into a dead sleep without telling Courtney’s pharmacist, he wouldn’t have seen her sleep and presumed patient was dead. Then knowing, she/he wasn’t dead, then killed he wouldn’t have killed himself. Since he did, though, the patient woke up and saw him dead, then killed herself so she didn’t have to live without him. It’s not directly Robert fault.


Discussion Questions:

1) Do you believe we still have individual privacy?

Yes I believe that we still have individual privacy.

2) What do you think is the best way to safeguard privacy?

For me is the best way to safeguard my privacy about my life is not saying to other people or person and the best way like in our home no one can enter our home with out our permission to entered.

3) How much interference by government in your life you can tolerate in order to feel secure?

4) How much privacy are you willing to give up to feel secure?


Discussion Questions:

1. Is Mr. Hayden violating Mrs. Clinton’s intellectual rights?

2. Can Mr. Hayden claim free speech protection for the use of the names?

Ans.) Not at all freedom speech means you have the right to citizen the government or to write a letter to the editor of your local paper. But copy right protect the person who wrote a book from someone stealing it and using their material without permission.

3. Should there be laws to make the practice illegal?

Yes they have a laws every ware like piracy, illegal drug doctor without license etc.


Discussion Questions:

1. Is Leo Violating any law?

Yes because Leo put a installed video recording and listening gadgets in the guard’s office and sleeping quarters to record their every conversation and movement.

2. Do the bodyguards have any right to privacy on Leo’s premises?

No because Leo put a gadget without informing the bodyguard that’s why the bodyguards with out privacy to Leo premises.

3. Does Leo have a right to know what the bodyguards are doing in his house?

Yes because Leo is the owner and for his secured to him that’s why Leo have a right to know what the bodyguards are doing in his house.


Discussion Questions:

1. Is Peter Efong wrong?

2. What damage would Cybersoft have suffered had there been a delay?

Ans.) The damage of Cybersoft have they suffered had there been a delay would cause major financial losses and public’s loss in there company.

3. What do you think would have been the right course of action for Peter and Cybersoft?

Ans.) There are more people who can start a business than there are who can run a business and prosper over the long haul. You’ve heard the statistics- most small business fail. Develop your procedures and policies. Do this consistently and over time, you’ll find that you’ve established the patterns for keeping your self-made juggernaut rolling.

4. Can you estimate the damage?

Ans.) yes the damage is $100 billion.

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